Sunday 27 November 2016

(7th November 2016 - 20thJanuary 2017)

WEEK TWO ( 14nd November-18th November )

The Second week of teaching practice was quite hectic compared to the previous week since we got some substitution classes as well. During this week I taught various topic such as needs, reality of social responsibility of business and social responsibility of business towards various interest groups. On Friday I took an awareness class on the topic "Anti-drugs & Anti-alcohol" for Grade-11 students as part of the conscientization program.             

Saturday 12 November 2016


( 7thNovember 2016 - 20thJanuary 2017)

WEEK ONE (7th November -11th November)

Our second phase of Teaching Practice began on 7th Nov 2016.The whole school was in the mood of School Youth Festival( Revenue and District level ). Since we knew the students from our previous phase, they were pretty much accustomed to us and so were we😊.

In the first week we got an opportunity to conduct assembly which was appreciated by the whole school.

With regard to my lessons, I covered portions from Social Responsibility of Business.
The topics covered were Social responsibility concept and meaning, kinds of social responsibility, arguments against social responsibility and social responsibility towards owners and employees.

Saturday 9 July 2016


Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer from the given options. 
1) The logical and systematic breakup of the curriculum from the point of view of a pedagogue for the purpose of effectively transacting it is called
[Ans: c) Pedagogic Analysis]
2) A set of sequential actions done in accordance with relevant principles, resulting in a new product is called:
[Ans: d) Process]
3) Which of the following is not a projected aid?
[Ans: a) Display board]
4) Controlling and _____________ are interdependent.
[Ans: b) Planning]
5) Recording of capital contributed by the owner as liability ensures the adherence of principle of :
[Ans: c) Separate entity]
6) The minimum number of members required for registration of a co operative society are:
[Ans: d) Ten]
7) The first directors of a company are appointed by:
[Ans: a) Promoters]
8) Indian Partnership Act was passed in the year:
[Ans: c) 1932]
9) We move from specific to general in:
[Ans: a) Inductive method]
10) The affective domain was classified by:
[Ans: c) Krathwhol]

Thursday 7 July 2016


Answer the following questions by selecting the best possible answers from the given options.

1.) Content, objectives, evaluation, teaching strategies are components of : 
a) syllabus
b) curriculum
c) curriculum evaluation
d) principles
 [Ans: (b) curriculum]
2.) In which year the Institute of Costs Works and Accountants of India was established? 
a) 1939
b) 1945
c) 1944
d) 1949
[Ans: (c) 1944]

3.) The curriculum should embrace such subjects, topics or activities by which students should cultivate a sense of respect for their traditions and culture. Which principle is it? 
a) Principle of integration
b) Principle of preparation for life
c) Conservative principle
d) Principle of community centredness
[Ans: (c) conservative principle]
4.) Which of the following is not an in-service training programme? 
a) Workshop
b) Seminar
c) B. Ed
d) Refresher Course
[Ans: (c) B. Ed]
5.) Which of the following is not an aspect of Affective Domain? 
a) Receiving
b) Manipulation
c) Valuing
d) Organisation
[A: (b) manipulation]

6.) A deliberate programme for integration of sub-skill is called: 
a) Micro Teaching
b) Macro Teaching
c) Integration
d) Link Practice
[Ans: (d) link practice]
7.) Which of the following is not a component of skills of introducing a lesson? 
a) Pre requisites
b) Continuity
c) Motivation
d) Pausing
[Ans: (d) pausing]

8.) Refocusing is a component of which skills? 
a) Skills of stimulus variation
b) Black board skill
c) Skill of posing probing questions
d) Skill of introducing a lesson
[Ans: (c) skill of posing probing questions]
9.) Learning by doing, learning by living, problem orientation and working in natural settings are the four cardinal principles of : 
a) Problem solving method
b) Project method
c) Case study method
d) Demostration method
[Ans: (b) project method]
10.) Presenting of a problem or an event presented in artificially created solutions similar to a real one is called? 
a) Simulation
b) Dramatisation
c) Role playing
d) Drill
[Ans: (a) simulation]


Medicinal plants have been identified and used throughout human history. Plants have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions, and to defend against attack from predators such as insects, fungi and herbivorous mammals.
The importance of plants has been realized and well documented by scholars since ancient period. Apart from the innumerable social benefits, much emphasis has been accorded to the plants of medicinal value. Majority of the population in developing countries depend on traditional system of medicine for their primary health care.

A medicinal plant is a plant that has similar properties as conventional pharmaceutical drugs that humans have used throughout history to either cure or lessen symptoms from an illness. A pharmaceutical drug is a drug that is produced in a laboratory to cure or help an illness. Typically pharmaceutical drugs are modeled after compounds found in medicinal plants.

The following are some of the important medicinal plants that can be used for various medicinal purposes:

(1) “BRAHMI”

SCIENTIFIC NAME :  Bacopa monnieri (L) Wettst
FAMILY :  Scrophulariaceae
  • English: Brahmi
  • Hindi: Brabmbhi
  • Malayalam: Brahmi
  • Sanskrit Name: Brahmi, Trayamana, Seetakamini, Trayanthi, Bhekaparni
  • Tamil: Niirpirami / Valaarai
  • Thai: Phrommi
  • Sinhalese (Sri Lanka): Lunuwila
  • Vietnamese : Rau Đắng  
  • German: Kleines Fettblatt  
  • It commonly grows in marshy areas throughout India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
  • It is also found in Florida, Hawaii and other southern states of the United States where it can be grown in damp conditions by a pond or bog garden. This plant can be grown hydroponically.
  • The leaves of this plant are succulent, oblong and 4–6 millimeters thick. Leaves are oblanceolate and are arranged oppositely on the stem.
  • The flowers are small and white, with four or five petals.
  • Its ability to grow in water makes it a popular aquarium plant.
  • It can even grow in slightly brackish conditions. Propagation is often achieved through cuttings.
  1. Brahmi is used for Alzheimer's disease, improving memory, anxiety, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), allergic conditions, and as a general tonic to fight stress.
  2. People also take brahmi to treat backache, mental illness, epilepsy & joint pain. It is also sometimes used as a “water pill.
  3. Traditional uses of Brahmi :
    •    memory enhancer
    •    mental and physical fatigue
    •    insomnia
    •    irritable bowel syndrome
    •    increase sex drive
    •    impotence
    •    bronchitis
    •    coughs and hoarseness
    •    arthritis
    •    rheumatism
    •    inflammatory conditions
    •    high cholesterol levels


SCIENTIFIC NAME : Rivina Humilis
FAMILY : Phytolaccaceae (Pokeweed family)
  • English: Blood Berry, Pigeon Berry, Coral berry, Baby Pepper, Rouge plant
  • Malayalam: Mulakuthakkali, Kuttythakkali, Chedithakkali, Manithakkali.
  • Sanskrit: Kakamachi
  • Rivinia humilis can be found in forests, thickets, shell middens, hammocks, roadsides, and disturbed areas at elevations from sea level to 1,700 m (5,600 ft).
  • It requires less than partial sun and is tolerant of full shade. It is also tolerant of salt spray and saline soils.
  • It can be found in the southern United States, the Caribbean, Central America, and tropical South America.
  • Blood Berry is an erect, vine-like herb, reaching a height of 0.4–2 m (1.3–6.6 ft).
  • The leaves of this evergreen perennial are petiolate, and ovate, lanceolate, or triangular in shape.
  • Flowers are on racemes 4–15 cm (1.6–5.9 in) long with a peduncle 1–5 cm (0.39–1.97 in) in length and pedicels 2–8 mm (0.079–0.315 in) long. The individual flowers are small and have 4 rounded, pink, white, or green sepals. Sepals are 1.5–3.5 mm (0.059–0.138 in) in length and white or green to pink or purplish.
  • The fruit is a glossy, bright red berry 2.5–5 mm (0.098–0.197 in) in diameter
  • The stems are slender.
The whole plant of Blood berry is used for:
  • Stomach ailments                                 
  • Tumor
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Inflammation  
  • Skin diseases

(3) BLACK PEPPER (King of Spices)

SCIENTIFIC NAME : Piper nigrum   
FAMILY : Piperaceae
  • Malayalam : Kurumulagu, Yavanapriyam.
  • Hindi : Kalimirch
  • Portugese : Pimenta preta
  • Indonesian : Mericahitam

Black pepper is native to the Western Ghats of Kerala State in India, where it grows wild in the mountains. It is cultivated all over the tropics as a commercial crop. Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil and India are the major producers.
  • A climber that grows to a height or length of 10 m or more. Once the main stem is established it grows many side shoots to create a bushy column.
  • Leaves: Almond-shaped, tapering towards the tip, dark green and shiny above, paler green below, arranged alternately on the stems.
  • Flowers: Borne in clusters along flowering stalks known as spikes. 50–150 whitish to yellow-green flowers are produced on a spike.
  • Fruits: Round, berry-like, up to 6 mm in diameter, green at first but turning red as they ripen, each containing a single seed. 50–60 fruits are borne on each spike.
Fruits are picked when fully grown but still green and shiny to produce black pepper.

  • Peppers have been in use since centuries for its anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent properties.
  • Peppercorns are good source of essential nutrients such as manganese, potassium, iron, dietary fiber & many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-C & vitamin-K.
  • Peppers have been used therapeutically in dentistry as an antiseptic for tooth-decay and gum swellings.
  • Black pepper helps in treating diseases caused due to bacteria. The influence of black pepper has been observed while treating conditions like constipation, diarrhea and colic.
  • Surprisingly, the spice is also acts as a remedy for cough and cold. The antibacterial properties of black pepper are used for treating respiratory disorders.
  • It generates free radical killing action that curbs the cancerous activities in the body.
  • The use of black pepper in diet helps to improve skin condition and promotes weight loss.

(4)  BASIL



SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ocimum basilicum
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
  • Hindi : Basil, Sweet basil, Ram Tulsi
  • Tamil : Tirunittru (Tamil)
  • Malayalam : Kattu tulasi                                                                                                 
HABITAT: Basil is a garden plant native to India, Iran & other tropical regions of Asia.
  • Basil is herb that grows up to 1m.
  • Erect stems, round below and squared above.
  • Fully-grown plant reaches about 100 cm in height.
  • Its leaves vary from light-green to purple, smooth and silky, about 1 to 2.5 inches long and 0.5 to 1 inch broad with opposite arrangement.
  • The flowers are odorous quite large, white or purple, arranged in terminal spikes.

  • Helps to treat bad breath.
  • Due to their excellent healing properties, basil leaves strengthen the stomach and facilitate copious perspiration.
  • Basil leaves form good germicidal and a natural disinfectant that protects the body against all types of viral and bacterial infections.
  • Basil leaves are effective in alleviating coughing and colds.
  • Heals stings and bites by relieving the pain as well as draws the venom out.
  • Basil leaves are considered as an ‘adaptogen’ or anti-stress agent.
  • It acts as a digestive and lactic stimulant.
  • It also acts as an anti-vomitive.


SCIENTIFIC NAME : Hordeum vulgare
FAMILY : Poaceae
  • Hare Barley.
  • Common Foxtail because its seed head looks like a fox tail.
  • Wild Barley.
  • Barley grass is found in temperate & Mediterranean areas.
  • Winter rainfall areas.
  • Tends to be the predominant "barley grass" in areas with an annual rainfall greater than 425 mm/year in Victoria, South Australia and NSW where it grows as far north as Sydney.
  • It is also abundant in grasslands and woodlands throughout the Fertile Crescent area of Western Asia and northeast Africa, and is abundant in disturbed habitats, roadsides and orchards.

  • A relatively hairless, soft annual grass with bristly, fox-tail like seed heads. It is a widespread weed of crops, pastures and roadsides and flowers in spring.
  • Tufted annual grass to 50 cm high with hairless or sparsely hairy, flat leaves to 15 cm long and 2-8 mm wide.
  • Flower-heads are dense cylindrical spikes 3-10 cm long.
  • Fruit falls as a unit of the 3 spikelets containing one seed.
  • It has a large fibrous root system.
MEDICINAL  PROPERTIES : barleyinfographic
  • Barley is one of the best starchy foods which makes it very suitable for the treatment of problems such as :
    • Stomach ache,
    • Heartburn,
    • Diarrhea
    • Mouth sores,
    • Sore throat,
    • Dehydration etc.
  • Barley water is used to treat fever.
  • Barley juice is rich in chlorophyll.
  • Barley grain has been widely recognized by its properties for the treatment of cholesterol, constipation or colon cancer.
  • It prevents Osteoporosis. The phosphorus and copper content in barley grass guarantees overall good health of bones.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Laurus nobilis.
FAMILY : Lauraceae.
LOCAL NAME : The common names are
  • Indian Bay,
  • Bay Laurel,
  • Sweet bay,
  • Laurus nobilis,   
  • Laurel tree,
  • True laurel,
  • Laurel,
  • Grecian laurel and
  • Nobel Laurel.
HABITAT: Bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) medicinal herb refers to the aromatic leaf of the Bay
                    Laurel tree and it is native to Asia Minor, Egypt.  It is also found in parts of India.
NATURE : Bay leaf (plural bay leaves) refers to the aromatic leaves of several plants used in            
                 cooking. It can be classified into different types namely:

Though similar in appearance, they do not carry the same flavor profiles or culinary attributes.
  • Bay leaves are distinguished by their dark green coloring, ovate and pointed shape, wavy margins and glossy finish.
  • Bay laurel is a tall, conical, evergreen tree growing up to 30 feet in height.
  • The leaves range in lengths from 4 to 10 cm.
  • Fresh Bay leaves are often more potent than dried leaves, emitting a pungent and sharp taste, especially if eaten whole.
  • Dried Bay leaves will lose that pungency, yet because the leaves become brittle and sharp, they are not suited for eating.
  • Dried Bay leaves become matte finished and olive in coloring.
  • Fresh bay leaves contain a lot of Vitamin C and hence have immunity building, wound healing and body resistant properties.
  • Bay Leaves are also rich in Vitamin A which helps in building  a very good visual and healthy skin.
  • The spice is rich Vitamin B and makes sure that you get rid of nerve problems and regulates body metabolism.
  • Other useful minerals contained in the spice include Potassium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, etc. These minerals make sure that you have a controlled heart rate, regulated blood pressure, optimum level of red blood cells in the body, etc.
  • The oil extracted from the leaves is used to treat muscle pain, rheumatism, sprain, arthritis, etc.
  • The herb has a curative effect in curing various stomach related problems like flatulence, diarrhea, colic pain, etc.
  • For treating common cold, you can have a steam bath prepared out of Bay Leaves.


SCIENTIFIC NAME:  Sanguisorba minor   
FAMILY: Rosaceae
LOCAL NAME: Salad burnet, Garden burnet, Small burnet.
  • Usually found in Asia, Britain, Europe, Germany and North America.
  • The Salad Burnet is common in dry pastures and by the wayside, especially on
chalk and in limestone, but is rarer in Scotland and Ireland than England.
  • The burnet is perennial in nature.
  • Usually its height is 6-18 inches & width is 12 inches.
  • The small and pinkish flowers are borne in a rounded head. The lower flowers are only male, middle flowers are bisexual and upper flowers are only female.
  • The leaves are pinnate with 4-12 pairs of leaflets.

  • The rhizomes, roots and the fresh or dried aerial parts of the herbs have been used in herbal medicine.
  • The rhizomes of great burnet contain a large amount of tannins (up to 17% ) which are responsible for the astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb.
  • Due to the astringent and anti-inflammatory action of the plant it has been utilized in the treatment of a variety of digestive disorders, such as diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis etc.
  • Burnet has been used externally as a folk remedy for nose bleed, wounds, burns, eczema, rash, boils and hemorrhoids.


SCIENTIFIC NAME:  Piper betle Linn.
  • Sanskrit: Tamboola, Tamboolavalli
  • English: Betel leaf plant
  • Hindi: Pan
  • Malayalam: Vetta, Vettila
FAMILY:  Piperaceae
  • India, Malaya and Java.
  • The Betel plant is indigenous throughout the Indian Malay region and also cultivated in Madagascar, Bourbon and the West Indies.
  • A very attractive spice, fast growing, perennial, evergreen to 1 meter, with creeping stem branches, dark green, glossy, heart-shaped leaves to 15cm long.
  • White catkin flowers turn into green/brown when mature. Propagation is easy by root division or cuttings, preferably taken in spring or summer.
MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: According to Ayurveda it contains :
Guna (properties) – tikshna (sharp), ruksha (dry) and laghu(light)
Rasa (taste) - katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter)
Virya (potency) – ushna (hot)
  • It is an effective anti wormal and an excellent anti infectious agent because of its pungent taste.
  • It helps in normalizing the digestive tract hence is very effective in maintaining the digestive system because of its light properties.
  • It provides strength to the heart and tones up the cardiovascular system.
  • It also helps in expelling out the mucus form the respiratory tract because of its hot potency.
  • It is also a good aphrodisiac agent.
  • Thus, Betel leaves have been prescribed for enhancing metabolic functions, reducing inflammation, expelling mucus, strengthening the heart muscles, improving appetite, purifying blood, treating ulcer, nosebleed, acne, bronchitis, halitosis, bleeding gums, headache and reproductive problems.


SCIENTIFIC NAME:  Aegle marmelos
FAMILY: Rutaceae
  • English: Bael fruit, Stone apple, Golden apple, Bengal quince.
  • Hindi: Bel, Sirphal.
  • Malayalam: Kuvalam.
  • Sanskrit: Bilva.
  • Bael trees are found in Indian sub-continent, tropical and sub-tropical countries.
  • The warm humid climate is good for cultivation of the plant.

  • It is mostly found in Deccan Plateau, East Coast, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Himalayas, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • It is also found in Egypt, Burma, Bangladesh, Java, Philippines, and Malay.
  • It is a slow growing, mid-sized, slender, aromatic, armed, gum-bearing tree growing up to 18 meters tall with short trunk, thick, soft, flaking bark. It has a leaf with three leaflets.
  • It is sweet at first taste and then irritating to the throat.
  • The bael fruit has a smooth, woody shell with a green, gray, or yellow peel. Its shell is hard in nature and must be cracked with a hammer or machete.
  • The flavor of the fruit pulp is "sweet, aromatic and pleasant, although tangy and slightly astringent in some varieties.
  • Numerous hairy seeds are encapsulated in a slimy mucilage.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: woodappleinfographic
  • Bael is bitter and acrid. It stimulates production of bile.
  • It is a restorative and increases body’s resistance and immunity.
  • Bael improves digestion since it helps to destroy worms in the intestine, and is a good remedy for digestive disorders.
  • The leaves of the Bael plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine to cure and control diabetes.

  • The root of the bel tree is integral in the management and treatment of ear conditions and pain.

  • Leaves of the Bael fruit tree help people avoid chronic or recurring colds and related respiratory conditions.

  • Bael fruit pulp is a good source of energy booster.

  • As a good source of beta-carotene, wood apples also cure liver problems.

  • Regular consumption of the fruit in healthy levels is recommended for people with kidney complaints.

  • In Ayurvedic treatments, all parts of the plant are used to cure snakebites.


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Averrhoa bilimbi.
FAMILY: Oxalidaceae.
  • English: Bilimbi, Cucumber tree.
  • Hindi: Belumbu.
  • Malayalam: Irumban puli, Chilimbi, Limbi.
  • Sanskrit: Karmsaraka, Siralam, Krama, Amlee, Karukha.
  • Bilimbis are native to Moluccas but are widely seen in Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Sri-Lanka. In India also, Bilimbi trees are widely spread.
  • This tropical tree prefers growing in regions having huge amount of rainfall throughout the year. The tree also requires protection from cold to grow properly.
  • The bilimbi tree reaches 5–10 m in height.
  • Its trunk is short and quickly divides up into ramifications.
  • Bilimbi leaves, 3–6 cm long, are alternate, imparipinnate and cluster at branch extremities. There are around 11 to 37 alternate or sub opposite oblong leaflets.
  • Bilimbi is cylindrical and ellipsoid in shape.
  • The fruit grows to a length of 4-10cm and are green in color.
  • It is mildly sour, juicy and crunchy.
  • The leaves are applied as a paste on itchy skin.
  • The leaves are used for treating venereal diseases.
  • Leaves are also used for treating cold and cough.
  • Paste of the pickled bilimbi is applied over the body to get rid of fever.
  • A syrup prepared from the fruit helps in getting rid of fever.
  • The fruit also helps in stopping rectal bleeding and eliminating internal hemorrhoids.
  • It is advised for treating high blood pressure and cholesterol and the treatment is quite effective.